The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between Quality of life (QOL) of an aging population at the old folks home and health, income, family support and social isolation factors. The purposive sampling, cluster sampling and random sampling were used in this study. The respondents who aged 60 years and above were purposively selected from the old folks home at Penang including Rumah Orang Tua Uzur Penang at Jalan Mesjid Negeri, Penang, Penang Budhist Association, Darul Hanan old folks home, and Rumah Orang Tua Jubli Sungai Dua. There was a significant value between health variable and QOL with p= .000, M= 3.4384, SD= .79924, r = .606. Besides that, income variable also was significantly influenced the QOL with p= 0.009, M=2.8829, SD=81561, r=.213. The findings also found that, social isolation also significantly influenced the QOL with p=.028, r= .197, M=2.8396 and SD=.96705. Based on the result, health variable was the most influencing factors that influenced the quality of life with Beta value: .584, 0.00 p<0.05 (p=0.00). In addition, gender also was significantly influenced the interaction of variable income and social isolation except health variable. Thus, more research related to QOL of aging population at old folks home is needed in order to help the government and other agencies to come out with more ideas in nursing home setting. The government also needs to increase the social program between the youth generation as well community with the aging population in order to treat their depression due to the loneliness.