INTRODUCTION. Few scholars had claimed that bullying was often occur at workplace and organization. Hence, this study attempts to seek the evidence on the existing incident of bully at workplace and to identify the contributing factors that lead to this phenomenon by focusing on cleaning workforces as the respondents.
METHOD. A cross-sectional sample survey was done in conducting this study by distributing adopted questionnaires from few scholars to 382 cleaning workforces in Selangor. Both self and personally-administered questionnaire was applicable in this study.
ANALYSIS. Quantitative analysis has been carried out for this study and the data has been analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Few analyses have been carried out in order to find the relevant data to achieve research objectives and to answer the hypotheses. The examples of analyses done are Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis and Bivariate Correlation Analysis.
RESULTS. Bullying at cleaning workforces’ workplace had been found to exist with the interpersonal conflict and poor physical work environment as the influencing factor. Most of the findings in this study were similar with the previous study done by other scholars.
CONCLUSION. Since there the findings shows the existence of bullying at cleaning workforce workplaces, few corrective actions need to be taken by related parties in the name of equity and human right.