Academic Qualifications

PhD International Relations
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
2012 - 2015

Masters International Relations
Australian National University
1997 - 1998

Bachelor Degree Political Science (Hons)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
1990 - 1994
Expertise and Teaching Area
Security & Strategic studies in South East Asia &
ASEAN & Security issues
Modern Diplomacy & Negotiations
List of Publications
1. Suseela Devi Chandran & Noor’ain Aini (ed.) Prosiding Kolokium 35 Tahun Sarawak Bersama Malaysia dan Esei Pilihan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 1999 2. Suseela Devi Chandran, Ahi Sarok & Mohd Faisal Syam (ed.) Proceeding of the Regional Conference on BIMP-EAGA 2000, 2000. 3. Suseela Devi Chandran. (2004). “PBB, ASEAN & Timor Timur”, di dalam Perkembangan Politik – Ekonomi di Malaysia & Asia Timur oleh Mohd Faisal Syam, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching 4. Suseela Devi Chandran (2004). “Cold War in Asia? An analysis of the US & China relations after the 11 April 2001 incident’, in Perkembangan Politik – Ekonomi di Malaysia & Asia Timur oleh Mohd Faisal Syam, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching 5. Suseela Devi Chandran (2006), “Understanding Terrorism Challenges, Perspectives and Issues”, by Gus Martin (2003) (Review). International Criminal Justice Review Journal, Vol 16 Num 1 May 6. Narayanan K & Suseela Devi Chandran (2006), ‘Holistic Scientific and Technological Advancements’, National Colloquium on Science, Religion and Development, 15-16 July 2005, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Organized by Centre for Civilization Dialogue University of Malaya and The Social & Economic Development Services (SEDS) 7. Salleh, MS., Z. Hassan, A. M. Abdullah & et al., (2006),‘The Penan of Lower Tinjar, Baram, Sarawak: A Community at the Periphery’, in Scientific Journey Through Borneo, PSF Technical Series No 5. Published by UNDP/GEF, Sarawak Forest Dept. & Unimas, Kota Samarahan 8. Suseela Devi Chandran, (2006), ‘Educational Aspirations among the Penan children: An exploratory study at Lower Tinjar, Baram, Sarawak’, The Journal of Administrative Science, Vol.1, Iss 1. Pp 1-16. ISSN 1675-1302 9. Suseela Devi Chandran & Yusof Ahmad, (2009), “ASEAN Charter: meeting the Challenge of the future ASEAN Community”, Proceeding of Hawaii Conference on Social Sciences, ISSN No. 1539-7300 10. Suseela Devi Chandran (2009), ‘An exploratory study on Malaysia-India relations: Present and Future’, in Regionalism and Political Development in Southeast Asia by David martin Jones & Lili Yulyadi Arnakim, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 11. Maniam K. & Suseela Devi Chandran (2010), ‘Education in HV (EHV): Alternative approaches for a holistic teaching’, Education Research & Reviews, Vol. 5 (12), pp802-807, Dec 2010, ISSN 1990-3839 12. Suseela Devi Chandran (2011), ‘An exploratory study on Malaysia-India relations: Present and Future’, in The Journal of Administrative Science, Vol.8, Iss 1. Pp 87-100. ISSN 1675-1302 13. Maniam K. & Suseela Devi Chandran (2011), “Effectiveness of Service Quality by Local Government in Malaysia: A case study of Batu Pahat Municipal Council (BPMC)”, Proceeding Paper at the 2nd International Conference on Public Policies & Social Sciences (ICoPS) 2011: Socio-Economic Transformation- Issues & challenges in the 21st century, Kuching, Sarawak, ISBN 978-967-363-320-3. 14. Maniam K. & Suseela Devi Chandran (2012), ‘Empowering students through outcome-based education (OBE)’, Research in Education Journal, No 87, May 2012, pp.50-63. ISSN 0034-5237 15. Mohd Yusof Ahmad & Suseela Devi Chandran (2013), ‘ASEAN Charter: meeting the Challenge of the future ASEAN Community’, in Azhari Karim, James Campbell & Sharan Srinivas (eds) in Repositioning Malaysian Foreign Policy, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, ISBN 978-983-861-598-3. 16. Suseela Devi Chandran (2014), ‘Malaysia-India Defence Cooperation: Need a paradigm shift before strategic partnership’, Strategic Analysis, Vol 38, No.1, 79-90. 17. Suseela Devi Chandran (2014), ‘Malaysia’s strategic partnership and India’s Look East Policy (LEP): Hand in hand towards greater cooperation’, Journal of Administrative Science –ISSN: 1675-1302. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-16 18. Suseela Devi Chandran (2014), ‘Malaysia’s perspective on India’s Look East Policy’, Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1. pp. 54-71 19. Suseela Devi Chandran (2014), ‘Malaysia-India relations under Narendra Modi’s leadership’, Commentary report in Insight Southeast Asia , Vol. 3, No. 3, May-June 2014. 20. Suseela Devi Chandran & K.S. Nathan (2014), ‘The role of Malaysia and India in promoting South-South Cooperation’, Journal of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations (JDFR), Vol. 14 No.2 pp. 71-88. 21. Suseela Devi Chandran & K.S. Nathan (2015), ‘Malaysia-India economic cooperation: Fixing the jigsaw puzzle’, Procedia Social and Behavioural Science Journal. No.172, pp. 359-366 Available online at 22. Suseela
Devi Chandran & Rashila Ramli (2015), Changing role of state in a
globalized economy: Case study on Malaysia-India companies, Akademika
Journal Vol 85, No 2. pp. 1-14 |